Modernization of Multi-Purpose MEISSNER Pilot Plant

Our pilot plant for the development and check of formulations, especially for synthetic resins and polymer emulsions, has been comprehensively modernized and supplemented. After having moved the plant from the former RHE location Sankt Augustin to the central MEISSNER location for research and development in Immekeppel, the pilot plant could now be successfully commissioned.
During commissioning, together with one of the customers of the MEISSNER product group RHE Händel Engineering, customized new developments for the preparation of synthetic resins have been explored and checked in terms of their implementation in large-scale production plants.
On request, the multi-purpose pilot plant, including the active support by specialized MEISSNER/RHE personnel, is available for interested customers.
For further information on the possible pilot operations and the costs arising when using the pilot plant please contact our product group RHE.